General FAQs
Please ring us on 01392 491838. We are happy to answer most enquiries about your pet but obviously we are unable to diagnose over a telephone. Nothing beats seeing you and your pet in person.
In the event of an emergency please ring our out of hours surgery on 01392 284217 who will be happy to assist you.
If you find a pet, such as a dog or cat, we are happy to scan them for a microchip for you at no cost. We can then assist in contacting the owner if the animal's chip details are up to date. In the event of stray animals, the Dog Warden at Exeter Council should be contacted.
If the animal is a wild animal, especially a young animal please leave it alone for 24 hours. This is in accordance with RSPCA Guidelines. Young animals are likely to have their parents nearby waiting to assist them once you are gone. By all means keep tabs on them and if you are still concerned after 24 hours please give the RSPCA a call.
If you have any questions or queries on how to look after your pet just give us a call or pop into the surgery and our staff will be happy to help.